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Serves a full featured GraphQL CRUD API with subscriptions and data synchronization running in just a few seconds without writing a single line of code - all you need is a data model .graphql file.

GraphQL Serve is a CLI tool that leverages the power of Graphback to generate a codeless Node.js GraphQL API complete with schema and CRUD resolvers and an in-memory MongoDB database.


yarn global add @graphql-cli/serve


The bare minimum you need is a GraphQL file with your data models. Create a file called Note.graphql and add the following:

""" @model """type Note {  _id: GraphbackObjectID!  title: String!  description: String  likes: Int}
scalar GraphbackObjectID

The @model annotation indicates that Note is a data model and Graphback will generate resolvers, a CRUD service and data source for it. You can learn how to build more complex data models in Data Model.

Running your codeless GraphQL server#

To start your server, run the following command from the same directory as Note.graphql:

graphql serve Note.graphql

This will start a GraphQL server on a random port using the Note.graphql data models we just added.

You can customise the directory of the data models:

graphql serve ./path/to/models

You can also specify where to load the data models from with a Glob pattern:

graphql serve ./schema/**/*.graphql

You can specify which port to start the server on:

$ graphql serve ./path/to/models --port 8080
Starting server...
Listening at: http://localhost:8080/graphql

Enable Data Synchronization#

GraphQL Serve can also operate on data sync models. Under the hood this uses the Data Sync package. To enable data synchronization, all we need to do is enable datasync capabilities on our models via the @datasync annotation.

For the Note model defined above, this would look like:

""" @model@datasync """type Note {  _id: GraphbackObjectID!  title: String!  description: String  likes: Int}
scalar GraphbackObjectID

Once we have a model with datasync capabilities, we can run our GraphQL server by enabling data synchronization as shown below:

graphql serve Note.graphql --datasync

Conflict resolution strategies for datasync enabled models can be specified via the --conflict option:

graphql serve Note.graphql --datasync --conflict=clientSideWins

This defaults to ClientSideWins, if unset.

The TTL for delta tables, can also be set using the --deltaTTL option:

graphql serve Note.graphql --datasync --deltaTTL=172800

This value defaults to 172800 when unused


ModelDirectory to search for data modelsundefined


--port-pPort on which to run the HTTP serverRandom port
--datasync--dsEnable datasynchronization featuresfalse
--deltaTTLN/ASpecify a conflict resolution strategy with --datasync. Choices: clientSideWins, serverSideWins, throwOnConflictclientSideWins
--conflictN/ASpecify a TTL for delta tables with --datasync172800