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Custom commands

Writing your own commands#

graphql-cli allow you to write your own plugin/extenion, and intergrate external tools and configuration, and run it from a single CLI.

The current implementation of graphql-cli is using Yargs to manage it's CLI commands.

Plugins and extension are treated as NodeJS module by the graphql-cli, so it means you can use JavaScript/TypeScript/Any other super-set of JavaScript to write your extension. It means that you plugin will be loaded by it's name under node_modules - for example graphql-cli my-custom-plugin ....

graphql-cli also supports graphql-config, so it can help you easily load your GraphQL schema, operations and configuration from a unified config file.

If you are wrapping an existing tool that has it's own CLI already, consider to expose a programatic API so it will be easier to consume.


We have a ready-to-use boilerplate for that purpose, you can find it here.

Also, inside this repo, under packages/commands you can find a set of plugins implementation you can use as reference.

Getting Started#

Start by creating a simple JavaScript/TypeScript project, according to your preference. Install @graphql-cli/common package and use defineCommand utility in your entry point (usually index file):

import { defineCommand } from '@graphql-cli/common';
export default defineCommand((api) => {  return {};});

To register your CLI command, give it a name first. Use the command property:

export default defineCommand((api) => {  return {    command: 'my-plugin',    async handler() {      // code here    },  };});

Now, your plugin will be avaiable to use with the following command: graphql my-plugin.

You can also add custom validations, flags, default values and much more with Yargs. You can read the documentation here.

Testing your plugin locally#

To test your plugin locally, install graphql-cli in your project as a devDependency, and run the following command:

graphql ./src/index.js

If you registerd sub-commands, you should be able to run those this way:

graphql ./src/index.js do-something

The path should point to the entry point of your script, and if you are using TypeScript - point to the compile file.

Loading GraphQL Schema#

To easily load GraphQL schema, you can use graphql-config:

import { defineCommand } from '@graphql-cli/common';
export default defineCommand((api) => {  return {    command: 'my-plugin',    builder(build) {      return build.options({        project: {          type: 'string',          describe: 'Name of your project',        },      });    },    async handler(args) {      // use graphql-config and find configuration      const config = await api.useConfig();      // pick project      const project = args.project ? config.getProject(args.project) : config.getDefault();      // get schema      const schema = await config.getSchema();    },  };});

If you are using graphql-config to define your configuration, and you wish to load your extenion config from it, do:

type MyConfig = { ... };
const extensionConfig = await config.extension<MyConfig>('my-plugin');

Error Handling#

If you wish to fail the execution of your plugin and report it back to GraphQL CLI host, simply throw an error:

import { defineCommand } from '@graphql-cli/common';
export default defineCommand(() => {  return {    command: 'check-if-missing',    handler() {      if (somethingIsMissing) {        throw new Error(`Ooops, something is missing`);      }    },  };});